Axure RP에서 사용되는 인터랙션의 종류입니다. 이 글은 공식 홈페이지에 있는 글을 옮긴 글입니다.
이벤트 리스트
모든 위젯에 적용 가능한 이벤트
- OnClick: When a widget is clicked
- OnMouseEnter: When the cursor is moved over a widget
- OnMouseOut: When the cursor is moved away from a widget
- OnDoubleClick: When a widget is double-clicked
- OnContextMenu: When a widget is right-clicked
- OnMouseDown: When a widget is clicked, while the cursor is pressed down
- OnMouseUp: Upon release of a click
- OnMouseMove: Fires continuously as the cursor is moved while over a widget
- OnMouseHover: After the cursor hovers over a widget for one second
- OnLongClick: When a widget is clicked and held
- OnKeyDown: When a keyboard key is pressed while typing in a widget
- OnKeyUp: When a keyboard key is released while typing in a widget
- OnMove: Fires at the beginning of the movement of a widget being moved by a “move” action
- OnRotate: Fires at the beginning of the rotation of a widget being rotated by a “rotate” action
- OnResize: When a widget’s size is changed by a “set size” action (if using animation, OnResize fires at the end of the animation)
- OnShow: When a widget is shown by a “show” action (if using animation, OnShow fires at the end of the animation)
- OnHide: When a widget is hidden by a “hide” action (if using animation, OnHide fires at the end of the animation)
- OnFocus: When a widget gets focus by being clicked or tabbed to
- OnLostFocus: When a widget loses focus
- OnLoad: When the widget initially loads (triggered by the containing page loading)
- OnSelectedChange: When a widget’s selected state changes due to a “set selected” action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets)
- OnSelected: When a widget is set to selected with a “set selected” action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets)
- OnUnselected: When a widget is set to unselected with a “set selected” action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets)
- OnSelectionChange: When a list option is selected that differs from the previous selection
텍스트 필드와 영역 전용
- OnTextChange: When text is added or removed
- OnPanelStateChange: When a dynamic panel state is set using the “set panel state” action
- OnDragStart: When a drag begins
- OnDrag: Fires continuously while a panel is being dragged
- OnDragDrop: When a drag ends
- OnSwipeLeft: When a panel is swiped from right to left
- OnSwipeRight: When a panel is swiped from left to right
- OnSwipeUp: When a panel is swiped from bottom to top
- OnSwipeDown: When a panel is swiped from top to bottom
- OnScroll: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled
- OnScrollUp: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled up
- OnScrollDown: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled down
리피터 전용
- OnItemLoad: When the repeater item loads initially and when the contents of any repeater item change
- OnItemResize: When any item’s size changes through any interaction (such as a change in a contained widget’s visibility or size)
페이지(혹은 마스터) 전용
- OnPageLoad: When a page initially loads
- OnWindowResize: When the browser window is resized
- OnWindowScroll: When the browser window is scrolled
- OnWindowScrollUp: When the browser window is scrolled up
- OnWindowScrollDown: When the browser window is scrolled down
- OnPageClick: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is clicked
- OnPageDoubleClick: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is double-clicked
- OnPageContextMenu: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is right-clicked
- OnPageMouseMove: When the mouse moves anywhere on the page
- OnPageKeyDown: When a keyboard key is pressed
- OnPageKeyUp: When a keyboard key is released
- OnAdaptiveViewChange: When the current adaptive view changes due to the window resizing or the view being set through the “set adaptive view” action or prototype sidebar
액션 리스트
- Open Link / Current Window: Opens a page or external URL in the current window
- Open Link / New Window/Tab: Opens a page or external URL in a new window or tab
- Open Link / Popup Window: Opens a page or external URL in a popup window of configured size and properties
- Open Link / Parent Window: Used from a popup window to change the page loaded in the parent window that opened it
- Close Window: Closes the current window
- Open Link in Frame / Inline Frame: Used to change the page loaded in an inline frame
- Open Link in Frame / Parent Frame: Used from a page loaded in an inline frame to change the page loaded in the parent frame
- Scroll to Widget (Anchor Link): Scrolls a page to the location of a widget
- Set Adaptive View: Manually changes the adaptive view loaded in the browser, regardless of the browser size
- Show/Hide / Show: Shows (makes visible) a widget which was set to hidden
- Show/Hide / Hide: Hides a widget
- Show/Hide / Toggle Visibility: Alternatingly shows a widget if it is hidden or hides a widget if it is visible
- Set Panel State: Controls the current state of a dynamic panel
- Set Text: Changes the text on a widget
- Set Image: Changes an image on an image widget
- Set Selected/Checked / Selected: Sets the style of a widget to its selected style, or selects a checkbox or radio button
- Set Selected/Checked / Not Selected: Sets the style of a widget to its unselected (Default) style, or deselects a checkbox or radio button
- Set Selected/Checked / Toggle: Alternatingly sets a selected widget to not selected and the reverse
- Set Selected List Option: Sets a chosen list option of a droplist or listbox to selected
- Enable/Disable / Enable: Set widget to active/selectable and its Default style
- Enable/Disable / Disable: Set widget to inactive/unselectable and its Disabled style
- Move: Moves a widget
- Rotate: Rotates a widget around a chosen anchor point
- Set Size: Sets the size of a widget
- Bring to Front/Back / Bring to Front: Brings a widget to the front layer in depth (z-index) of the page
- Bring to Front/Back / Send to Back: Sends a widget to the back layer in depth (z-index) of the page
- Set Opacity: Sets the opacity of a widget
- Focus: Sets the focus of the cursor on a form widget or clickable widget
- Expand/Collapse Tree Node / Expand Tree Node: Expands the selected nodes of a tree widget
- Expand/Collapse Tree Node /Collapse Tree Node: Collapses the selected nodes of a tree widget
- Set Variable Value: Sets the value of a global variable
- Add Sort: Sort a repeater dataset using the specified sort criteria
- Remove Sort: Removes a sort added to a repeater
- Add Filter: Filters a repeater dataset using the specified filter criteria
- Remove Filter: Removes a filter added to a repeater
- Set Current Page: Shows a specific page of a repeater dataset (for repeaters with pagination added in the layout)
- Set Items per Page: Sets number of repeater items displayed per page (for repeaters with pagination added in the layout)
- Datasets / Add Rows: Add data to the repeater dataset
- Datasets / Mark Rows: Marks rows in a repeater that meet specified criteria
- Datasets / Unmark Rows: Unmarks rows in a repeater that meet specified criteria
- Datasets / Update Rows: Updates data in the dataset
- Datasets / Delete Rows: Deletes rows from a repeater dataset
- Wait: Adds a pause of the designated amount of time before any subsequent actions fire
- Other: Shows a specified text description (as a placeholder for an action that has not been prototyped)
- Fire Event: Fires a designated event on another widget
- Raise Event: “Raises” an event on a widget in a master so that each individual instance of the master can have different cases for that event (learn more in our Raised Events training article)
표시 효과
- Fade: Gradually changes the widget or state’s opacity until it is completely in or out of view
- Slide left/right/up/down: Slides the widget or state into or out of view
- Flip left/right/up/down: Flips the widget or state into or out of view along a center axis (X for up/down and Y for left/right)
동작 효과
- Swing: The animation is very slightly slower at the beginning and end of the timing than it is at the midpoint
- Linear: The animation progresses at the same speed throughout the entire timing
- Ease in cubic: The animation starts out slow and progressively gets faster until the end of the timing
- Ease out cubic: The animation starts out fast and progressively gets slower until the end of the timing
- Ease in out cubic: The animation starts out slow and progressively gets faster until the midpoint of the timing; then it progressively gets slower again. (This is similar to Swing but more pronounced.)
- Bounce: The animation speeds up like Ease in cubic but bounces back a few times once the animation’s finishing point is reached
- Elastic: The animation overshoots its finishing point and then springs back to it