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ISTA Voltage Control tool 다운로드 및 설치 방법 안내

ISTA Voltage Control tool 소개

ISTA Voltage Control tool은 저도 사용해본 적은 없습니다. 해외 포럼에 자주 자료가 올라오길래, 국내 포털을 검색해보았지만 거의 자료가 없었고, 해외에서도 설치와 사용 방법에 대한 안내만 있지 정작 쓰임새가 무엇인지에 대한 명확한 설명은 찾을 수가 없었습니다. 간간히 찾은 자료로 추정하여 적는 글이니 참고용으로만 보시기 바랍니다.

BMW ISTA를 통해 자동차를 진단하거나 프로그래밍할 때 ISTA가 정상 동작하기 위해서는 특정 전압 이상을 유지해야 합니다. 해당 전압을 만족시키지 못하면 아예 작업 자체가 실행되지 않거나 중지되는 것으로 알고 있습니다. ISTA Voltage Control tool은 ENET 혹은 KDCAN과 같은 케이블 연결 후에 마치 특정 전압을 유지하는 것처럼 속이는(simulate) 도구라고 할 수 있습니다. ENET 케이블의 경우 전압을 ISTA로 리포팅하지 않는데, 이 툴을 이용해 특정 전압인 것처럼 속여서 프로그래밍 작업 등을 진행할 수 있다고 합니다.

프로그램을 만든 사람의 표현을 빌자면 “Simulates voltage of connected interface. ICOM, KDCAN etc.” 라고 합니다.



Ultimate Ediabas/ISTA+ voltage control V3 다운로드


설치 방법

  1. Go to Ediabas folder. For INPA its normaly C:\Ediabas\Bin, for ISTA+ its in Ediabas\Bin folder with ISTA+ directory.
  2. If you are using STD:OBD rename existing obd32.dll to obd32.ebas.dll. Users of other cable types rename respective dll (for example STD:CAN users rename can32.dll to can32.ebas.dll).
  3. Extract the downloaded file.
  4. Copy included obd32.dll to Ediabas\Bin. For other cable types rename it to respective name first (for example can32.dll).
  5. For ISTA+ only: copy included NodeISTAVoltageControl.dll to Ediabas\Bin folder within ISTA+ installation.
  6. For ISTA+ v4.05 (and above) only:
    a) replace existing IstaOperation.exe within ISTA+’s TesterGUI\Bin\Release folder by included one (from respective folder based on ISTA+ version).
    b) run included AllowFakeISTAOperation.reg file (choose x86 or x64 depending on your system being 32 or 64 bit respectively).

To manually control the voltage start included NodeEdiabasVoltageControl.exe application. This application can be placed in a different folder if wanted. Voltage can be adjusted by moving sliders or switched off using check boxes. Unchecking check box has the same effect as moving slider to 0V.


업데이트 내역 소개

Version 2.0 of this tool has been released. New features:
1. It now checks the actual interface type setting in ISTA during runtime, so if you switch from Ediabas to ICOM it will stop interfering and resume operation as soon as interface type is set back to Ediabas.
2. It now supports K+DCAN cables which have an ability to detect clamp states (probably most higher quality cables). To use this feature control application should be closed. It will then read actual clamp states and update ISTA voltage states accordingly without any manual actions required. Starting control application will switch the operation to manual control. Closing it will resume automatic recognition.

Version 3.0 of this tool has been released. New features:
1. Control application can now be minimized.
2. Support for ISTA+ v4.05 (and hopefully above).


최소 사양

Visual Studio 2015 x86 runtime must be installed (same as required for last versions of ISTA+).


사용 안내

P.S. This voltage control utility is not designed to and will not influence voltages reported by ICOM.
P.P.S. This utility works without any issues with original ISTA+, standalone not necessary.



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